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No travel tour in Singapore is complete without sampling Singapore’s local cuisine and the best local dishes this country is famous for.

There are many local food in Singapore that you should try. This is the tip of the iceberg, you can choose to eat various local delights. To look around the local areas and around the city, just pop up in any coffee shop – you’ll find the yourself having a strong desire to have everything that’s in there!

Singapore is a small island at the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia. An independent republic, that is only square of 699.4 km, the main island (617.1 km ²) and consists of about 63 islands. It is equivalent to 3.5 times the mass of land in Washington DC, USA. Larger islands include, Sentosa (460 hectares), Pulau Tekong (2365.5 hectares) and Pulau Ubin (1023.9 hectares).

The total population of Singapore rounds up to about 5 millions. The Chinese accounts for 75.6%; Malays 13.6%; Indians 8.7% and Others 2.1%.

You can find foodcourts, restaurants and eating places everywhere and Singaporean loves good food and shopping! If you get the chance just go up to any Singaporean and ask them what was the one thing they miss the most about their country and most of them will mention about the local food. The food that they mention or talk about likely be Hainanese Chicken Rice, Malay satay, Indian Roti Prata; that is meat on bamboo sticks, Mee Siam and Mee Rebus (Malay favourite traditional dishes).